Von verlorenen Hufeisen und brennenden Nüssen – Über Konflikte im Rahmen des „diplomatischen“ Zeremoniells des byzantinischen Kaiserhofes (Tobias Hoffmann).f) The culmination of Saladin’s rise to power.d) Tensions between Nūr ad-Dīn and Saladin.The Caliphates between Imperial Rule and Imagined Suzerainty – A Case Study on Imperial Rituals during Saladin’s Rise to Power (Nadeem Khan).From Bretwalda to Basileus: Imperial Concepts in Late Anglo-Saxon England? (Torben R.The conception of kingship in Provence and Burgundy.Patrimony, possessions and bonds in the Regnum Italiae.Imperial Aspirations in Provence and Burgundy (Jessika Nowak).
Carolingian Power and Cultural Politics.Charlemagne’s Imperial Coronation – Expression of a Changed Topography of Power.Introduction: Charlemagne’s Imperial Coronation and its Early Medieval Context.The Promotion of Charlemagne’s Imperial Coronation in Carolingian Courtly Culture (Jan Clauß) Imports and Embargos of Imperial Concepts in the Frankish Kingdom.Barbarian Emperors? Aspects of the Byzantine Perception of the qaghan (chaganos) in the Earlier Middle Ages (Sebastian Kolditz).Imperial elements not adopted by the Barbarian rulers.Imperial elements adopted by the Barbarian rulers.Reasons for the imitation of Imperial rule.Imitatio Imperii? Elements of Imperial Rule in the Barbarian Successor States of the Roman West (Christian Scholl).Transcultural Approaches to the Concept of Imperial Rule in the Middle Ages: Introduction (Christian Scholl / Torben R.